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Please fill out this form to complete your sign up with Canadian Wings of Rescue. As of January 2023, we are actively recruiting pilots and general volunteers in anticipation of resuming operations in a few months.
Veuillez remplir ce formulaire pour compléter votre inscription auprès de Canadian Wings of Rescue. Depuis Janvier 2023, nous recrutons activement des pilotes et des bénévole généraux en prévision de la reprise des opérations dans quelques mois.
Complete the fields below as the data appears on the pilot application.
Please confirm that you meet the minimum criteria
Veuillez confirmer que vous répondez aux crit ères minimum
Minimum: Private Pilot License (student rating acceptable); no minimum on hours
Minimum : licence de pilote privé (qualification d'étudiant acceptable) ; pas de minimum d'heures
I hold an instrument certificate:
Aircraft make and model*
Margue et modele de l'avion*
Please read our REIMBURSEMENT POLICY document
By checking the box, I hereby direct that the funds to which I am entitled by way of reimbursement for fuel burn and my operating costs in respect of each Volunteer Pilot Program Flight I carry out for PNPC Animal Rescue (in accordance with the stated policy of PNPC Animal Rescue), and which would otherwise be forwarded to me by cheque, be transferred to PNPC Animal Rescue as my gift for which I am entitled a tax receipt. Details can be found in the Volunteer Pilot Program document provided in the introduction email, available on the website, and upon request to info@canadianwingsofrescue.ca.
Please read our PILOT GUIDELINES document
I hereby agree to abide by the policies, guidelines, and procedures as outlined in the Volunteer Pilot Program.
I hereby agree to abide by the policies, guidelines, and procedures as outlined in the Flight Planning and Use of CWoR Callsign document.
Photo Release
I understand and consent to the release of photographs and videography, including name, of my participation in Canadian Wings of Rescue (CWoR) transports and events for use on the website, presentations, and publications. I hereby grant CWoR and its Operators a royalty-free perpetual license in all the right, title, and interest in still photographs and videography taken during the course of said activities.
Username and password may be 8-20 characters with these special characters only: (_#@*!$-.) No spaces allowed.
Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe peuvent contenir de 8 à 20 caractères, avec uniquement ces caractères spéciaux: (_#@*!$-.) Aucun espace n'est autorisé.